
I finally did it. This year I joined the 41% of Boomers who prefer to shop online. For the first time, I have finally bought into the idea of online shopping. I used to worry that my stuff would get lost in shipping or end up...

As I am watching a wicked northeaster blow through southern Ohio, I am in “Countdown to Thanksgiving” mode.  Operation Thanksgiving is underway…and for some unknown reason I decided to start by polishing the silver. I have been struggling with this ridiculous silver tray for an hour...

I am having a birthday epiphany. It literally feels like the dawning of some sort of new Aquarius…I am turning in my Birthday Diva crown. But first I must do a little explaining behind the Birthday Diva crown mentality. I was actually born a Birthday Diva. I...

[caption id="attachment_759" align="alignnone" width="293"] Passover Seder Plate, by L. Cohen, 1995[/caption]   I am not certain if it's mere coincidence, or fate, or just plain weird that my son’s birthday, the first night of Passover and the unexpected arrival of boxes from storage all collided on the...

If I say the words "cold feet" what is the first thought that comes to mind? A little word association game if you will. Don't over-think it, just spew out the first words that come to mind when you hear "cold feet".  Remember there is...

Dear Mary, It's so crazy I was just talking about you last night. I am having a dinner party this weekend and I am worried nobody is going to show up. Do you remember when you used to have parties and the only people that came were...

  It is not that I have fallen off the map or gone into some sort of “marriage underground.” Old Spice and I absolutely happily read our own vows and got married nearly four weeks ago.   My absence is much more about being speechless. What I...